Are German beer purity laws a hindrance?

Time to let go! Remove the ball and chain from your leg, brewers! German beer purity laws date from the 16th century, and were needed to stop the worst abuses by brewers, who added everything in the garden and beyond, in order to get the drinkers happy, but it came with a price to drinkers’Continue reading “Are German beer purity laws a hindrance?”

Breweries, Supermarket Shelves and Marketing Deception?

Lift the fog of deception This is quite a controversial title, but I don’t expect to get sued. I’ve just seen an advert on Instagram for an IPA (India pale ale), which showed a picture of a brown beer. I’ve seen a stout with an OG of 1040. I have bought a porter, so sweetContinue reading “Breweries, Supermarket Shelves and Marketing Deception?”

Malt like an Egyptian. Get a craftbrew buzz.

‘History is more or less, bunk,’ claimed Henry Ford. ‘We don’t want tradition. We want to live in the present.’ We all have an agenda, and Henry Ford’s was not to go back to the horse and cart. As brewers, we might want to see things differently. The best beers ever were brewed 200 yearsContinue reading “Malt like an Egyptian. Get a craftbrew buzz.”

Clive’s Beer Blog – DIY Beer Brewing

Why call it a macrobrewery? Large commercial breweries give their annual production figures in millions of hectolitres, microbreweries probably talk in thousands and I don’t quite manage 4 hectolitres or 90 gallons per year. But that serves me and the immediate family and friends.

Clive’s Beer blog – January-No. 1

I’m going to tell you how to become a lockdown brewer, with a small space at your disposal and a hardware or DIY store in your town.

Know Someone Who Loves Beer? – Brew a Perfect Christmas Present

For the unique Christmas present, brew them a unique beer. Fully revised, no more soggy pages and a fraction of the price of the old paper version from 1990.

Brown-Beer Brewing will help the Resurgence

Everyone talks about stout and porter, but no one drinks it. Here are some reasons to brew it and enjoy the beginnings of modern brewing, ca. 1730

Porter, Stout, Brown Beers, Entire Butts

No more soggy pages, when you employ your PC, Mac, iPad or iPhone, tablet or Android, in the brewery – oh, and no pages to flip shut on you either. It won’t mist up as the screen is always slightly warmer than ambient. Along with its companion on Pale Ale Brewing, this text gives youContinue reading “Porter, Stout, Brown Beers, Entire Butts”

No more soggy pages – Pale Ales

Brewing Pale Ales according to historical principles, is a breeze for the craft-brewer. It’s even easier now. These remarkable gyles from the time of the greatest beers ever brewed, are now available, reduced to 5 gallon amounts with all parameters in metric, US and Imperial dimensions. The sample pages below, are screen shots from KindleContinue reading “No more soggy pages – Pale Ales”